本设计是基于高铁环境的一款服务产品,本产品从用户出发,主要以人机工程为主要分析手段,解决高铁旅客长时间乘车带来的身体不适问题,提供新型的高铁服务体系,以提升乘客的乘坐体验。随着高铁行业的迅速发展,高铁不仅仅是作为一种交通工具,更作为一个交流的空间。为适应广大旅客多元化、多层次的出行需求,持续提高高铁服务品质,设计一个更加符合时代的车厢。 在娱乐车厢中,乘客不但可以进行健身,还能交友,开会,办公,甚至举办派对。在娱乐车厢,你可以结识到经常旅游的朋友,结识到喜欢健身的老铁,甚至还有经常出差的老总。这是一个交流的平台,让你的旅程不再那么乏味、枯燥。
This design is a service product based on the high-speed railway environment. Starting from the users, this product mainly uses ergonomics as the main analysis means to solve the physical discomfort of high-speed railway passengers caused by long-time riding, and provide a new high-speed railway service system to improve the passengers' riding experience.With the rapid development of high-speed rail industry, high-speed rail is not only as a means of transportation, but also as a space for communication. In order to meet the diversified and multi-level travel needs of the vast number of passengers, continuously improve the service quality of high-speed rail, design a carriage that is more in line with the times. In the entertainment car, passengers can not only keep fit, but also make friends, hold meetings, work and even hold parties. In the entertainment car, you can get to know friends who travel frequently, get to know old fellow who love fitness, and even have a frequent travel manager. This is a platform for communication, so that your journey is not so boring.