随着2021年毕业季渐行渐近,3位指导教师和32位同学持续一个月线上线下的无缝连接,终换来后疫情时代第一次设计年展的“双层”开启。 从资料收集、展览策划、视觉设计、文案撰写到宣传推广,在这样一个紧锣密鼓且又繁杂琐碎的设计项目中,展览团队在渗透着默契与火花的筹备时间里一路前行,正是这样一群人在不断贡献着自己的优秀创意与无限力量,才让本届展览幻化霓虹!
With the graduation season approaching in 2021,three instructors and 32 students have connected each other seamlessly online and offline for one month,finally achieving the first“double-deck”opening of the design annual exhibition in the post epidemic era. From data collection,exhibition planning,visual design,copywriting to publicity,the exhibition team is moving forward in the preparation time with tacit sparks in such a busy and complicated design project.It is such a group of people who are constantly contributing their excellent creativity and unlimited strength that turn this exhibition into neon!