天津大学二零二零年度第六届设计年展 新闻 毕业生信息 展览现场 主页

本届年展主题——“设绘人”,谐音当下流行网络语言“掌声送给社会人”,带着一种潮气、一丝诙谐、一份新鲜感,从语音上,借用熟词,使人便于记忆,更是朗朗上口;通过文字的替换,加入更新、更深刻的语义,让人回味。其深意在于:工业设计是设计,是集色彩、材料、结构、加工方式、人机交互等等因素于产品之中,为人们提供美好的生活体验;动画绘制也是设计,是将角色、场景、情节、道具交织在和谐优美的画面之中,叙述着多彩的故事。 “设绘人”在今天与大家见面,期待我们可以用共通的设计语言去交流、体验、感受我们的设绘之作,因为你我终将走向社会,扛起担子,成为合格的、有能量的“社会人”。

The theme of this year's annual exhibition, “The Gifted”, is a network language for contemtporary popular online language“Applause is given to social people.” With a sense of fashion, a touch of humor and a sense of freshness, it use familiar words in pronouciation. It makes people feel easy to remember, but it is also catchy. Its deep meaning lies in: Industrial design belongs to design, it is a collection of colors, materials, structures, processing methods, human-computer interaction and other factors in the product, providing people with a good life experience. Animation also belongs to design. It is the interweaving of characters, scenes, plots, and props in a harmonious and beautiful picture, narrating colorful stories. “The Gifted”meets everybody today and expects that we can use the common design language to communicate, experience, and experience our design work. Because you and I will eventually enter the community, and you will shoulder the burden and become qualified and energetic "Social People."

地址 / 中国·天津市津南区雅观路135号北洋园校区35教学楼
电话 / 022-27402172
邮箱 / idesign@tju.edu.cn
邮编 / 300354