本课题以天津长荣科技集团股份有限公司的“MK 600DPBCP”数字印刷机为具体研究对象,面向企业维修人员进行可视化研究,将数据可视化方法应用于设备人机界面,开发印刷设备运行数据可视化平台,从而帮助维修人员更好地完成设备运行监控、维护整修等工作。并且以此为基础,形成有普适性的印刷设备运行数据可视化方法框架。
This project takes the "MK 600DPBCP" digital printer of Tianjin Changrong as the specific research object, carries on the visualization research for the maintenance personnel, applies the data visualization method to the man-machine interface of printing equipment and develops the data visualization platform for printing equipment operation, so as to help the maintenance personnel to better complete the monitoring, maintenance and renovation of the printing equipment. And on this basis, a universal data visualization method framework for printing equipment operation will be formed.